Our Focus Archive
Now, Not Yet, Next Steps
Question: How How might we create a cycle of celebration, reflection, feedback, look ahead - for our learners using the prompts - Now - What do I wish to Celebrate? Not Yet? Where do I want to go? Next Steps? How am I going to get there or what are my next steps?
In the 2020/2021 school year we are building upon the last three year focus on Self Regulatin, Co- Regulation, Community and Relationships, and Social Responsibility. Last year before the Pandemic our community develop a new acronym Quilchena CARES to help students develop their ability to both co regulate, build connections and be peaceful problem solvers. This year our focus is shifting slightly to assessment. Our entire school is shifting from reporting and report cards to communicating student learning. In our scanning we noticed that our students are continuing to learn how to take more ownership of their learning. We also noticed that students see learning as a finite set of steps to go up and then when at the top they are done. Our beauitful redesigned curriculum is one that is layered year of year and through the different grades enabling students to always be reaching and stretching themselve as learners. Our question for this school year is
How might we create a cycle of celebration, reflection, feedback, looking ahead - for our learners using the prompts - Now - What do I wish to Celebrate? Not Yet? Where do I want to go? Next Steps? How am I going to get there or what are my next steps?
We believe that using these prompts in tandem with our eportfolios may develop learners who are able to see learning as a continous cycle.
Co- Regulation
During our professional development learning with Kim Barthel we learned about co-regulationa and working together with our students. We continue to work with students on developing their awareness of their ability to identify stressors that may push students into the yellow or red zone. We were unable to explore more data as the pandemic closed schools in March 2020.
During our scanning process in the past year we found that all of students can tell us about at least two if not more adults at school who care about them. All of our students can tell us what they learning. At times students are not able to tell us why they are learning something or where they are going with their learning. We also found this year that during our annual class reviews all of staff identified student agency as an area for growth. Staff see students being unsure of next steps and so holding back on being independent rather than forging ahead.
We see students who may at times have difficulty focusing on their learning as they are not regulated. This means that our students are not ready to learn as their emotions are either in the blue, yellow or red zone. Our staff sees the student's ability to see where they are on our zone meter and to be able to identify strategies to get to green or ready to learn as key to student success. When students are green or ready to learn then the conditions are right for students to lean into their learning with agency - or students taking iniatitive with their learning and then seeing where they are going and seeing why they are learning because the student is engaged and taking control of their learning.
Our Focus Question?
Our Focus this year is Social Emotional Learning - being able to be ready for learning - how can students take control of their own self regulation?
We are continuing to wonder how can we continue to create a thriving community of learners?
How might the personal and social core competencies support our learners’ understanding and development of self-identity, both as individuals and as members of our community?
WHY? We believe in developing dignity, purpose and options for all members of the Quilchena Community.
HOW? Specific lessons, goal setting and communication to address the following:
Year 1: Core Competency: Personal Awareness and Responsibility