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Access to Materials & Manipulatives

Staff have been intentional of making sure all classrooms have math manipulatives and resources in every classroom. Manipulatives are concrete objects that allow students to explore an idea through an active, hands-on approach. Some examples of common math manipulatives are dice, Unifix cubes, Cuisenaire rods, pattern blocks, algebra and fraction tiles, base 10 blocks and frames. If we want students to be able to feel connected to their learning, we want to invite opportunities for them to take ownership of their learning and this starts with making sure there are different access points and materials for all students to show their understanding.

Over the past 2 years, we have worked with our district consultant to create a list of the essential math manipulatives and teacher resources that every classroom should have. Through an inventory of what classrooms had and what they were missing, we ordered where needed. We also created a mobile math cart that can be moved to classrooms and different spaces in the school to further supplement math lessons and learning.

Through our early observations, we have noticed when students have access to materials, there is a deeper understanding of ideas and concepts and students are more engaged and connected with their learning.

Updated: Friday, July 5, 2024