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Student Scan - Numeracy Lens

At our January Pro-D, we dedicated time to sit in teams and reflect on how our students are connected to their learning, what we notice and what our next steps will be. We focussed our discussion around Numeracy and we found patterns that our students are energetic learners and felt competent and confident if they could share their learning in a rote manner. We noticed our students had stretches when asked to communicate their thinking on a deeper level and to show their learning in more than one way. Taking risks and being playful with numbers are also areas we find our students requiring support, modelling and encouragement with.

Our next steps to support our school wide focus is to do a student scan with a numeracy lens. We want to unpack how our students feel about themselves as math learners. Students were asked the following questions: 1) What do you enjoy about math?  2) When you are stuck, what helps you in your math learning?  3) How do you like to share your math thinking?  4) Where does math live in your life or your community?

Once completed and collected, we will share what we have learned from our students, which will guide us to determine our next steps in supporting our numeracy focus.

Updated: Tuesday, February 27, 2024