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A Shift: Where to next with belonging and connection?

A Wonder? During several staff meetings and staff discussions, we agree that our work with connection, kindness and belonging is never done. We have been intentional in building this sense of belonging, especially with our large increase in population this fall, and we have noticed that our students feel connected to their friends and to the staff. They are able to identify at least 1 adult that cares for them and feel they can ask for help when needed.

Are we ready to shift? We are ready to zoom in on how we can support students in feeling connected to their learning and support those who don't.  Allowing entry points for all students to share their understanding while focussing on their connection to the curriculum and its impact on students' social emotional well-being.

Staff will spend time at our next Professional Development Day focussing in on what part of their learning that our students are connected to and what they are not connected to and why. This will help to guide us in shifting our focus for our learners.


Updated: Friday, February 9, 2024